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- Archive-name: linux/Projects-Map
- Posting-Frequency: monthly
- Last-Modified: 27 Nov 1995
- Linux Projects Map
- This is the Linux Projects Map (LPM). Here you'll find some information
- concerning popular projects that are currently in the design or coding
- stage. The LPM is maintained by Harald Milz (Harald.Milz@Linux.org).
- Code for these projects is not publicly available yet or in
- early ALPHA stage. However, the software is being worked on
- and will be eventually available. Please DO NOT send hundreds
- and thousands of questions to the developers but instead
- let them spend their time working on the project. The Linux
- Projects Map will be updated regularly and will be available on
- ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/docs/Projects-Map/Projects-Map.gz. The
- latest and greatest version is always being kept on
- ftp://ftp.ix.de/pub/ix/Linux/docs/Projects-Map.gz and
- http://www.ix.de/ix/linux/Projects-Map.html. Plus, it will be posted to
- comp.os.linux.answers on a monthly basis.
- If you are about to develop a certain piece of software and if you think it
- would be good to let people know, please send me an entry according to the
- template shown below. The fields "AuthorEmail" and "ETA" are optional; if
- you don't believe people won't drown you in email or don't think it's wise
- to tell a potential release date, simply leave these fields empty. Please
- don't forget to send me updates if the status of your project changes, or
- I'll have to query you eventually. ;^)
- If you are not working on a specific project yourself but know someone else
- is, please drop me a note.
- After the initial release of code to the public, I intend to leave the
- respective entry in the list for some weeks or so, adding a comment where
- the code can be found, then delete the entry to avoid redundancy (with the
- Linux Software Map, LSM).
- The LPM is for non-commercial Linux software projects only. As a supplement
- for commercial software, there is the Linux Commercial-HOWTO.
- Linux-specific hardware projects are not covered here -- it doesn't seem as
- if there were too many of them.
- If you are going to develop a piece of software not specifically related
- to the Linux kernel, please consider to contact the FSF (gnu@prep.ai.mit.edu)
- so that they can try to coordinate with their volunteers -- no reason to
- re-invent the wheel, right? ;-)
- Sample entry follows (similar to the old LSM format). Some sample entries
- (e.g. "Assistance") don't cover every possible item - feel free to enter what
- you like, but don't create new fields and PLEEZE DON'T CHANGE FIELD
- NAMES. Field lengths are now arbitrary, but avoid an overall length of more
- than 78 characters. The format is subject to change -- it will reflect Lars'
- new LSM format eventually. By now, please stick to the current format.
- If you want to give some pointers to further information, please use the URL
- format so that the pointers will be clickable in the HTML format. Thank you.
- Field: Description
- ----------- ------------------------------------------------------
- Title: The name of the package. example: "Linux for DEC 21064"
- Desc1: 5 lines of text describing the package's function or purpose
- Desc2: The more descriptive you are the more useful the entry
- Desc3: will be.
- Desc4:
- Desc5:
- Author: Who is going to write the package.
- AuthorEmail: The author's email address (optional)
- InfoSources1: where to get additional information such as mailing lists,
- InfoSources2: local newsgroups or FTP/WWW sites (please use the URL format,
- InfoSources3: but do not hyphenate them. No HREFs please).
- Assistance: assistance needed? {required | appreciated | not required }
- CurrentStat: {still in the design phase | first code runs | approaching
- ALPHA status | in ALPHA | code is available on (FTP path)}
- ETA: Estimated time of arrival (optional & conservative ;)
- Remarks1: Other info of value (up to the developer), 5 lines.
- Remarks2: Additional info that won't fit in one of the above fields.
- Remarks3:
- Remarks4:
- Remarks5:
- This section shows you all recent changes (not more than a handful to
- keep it handy) so that you don't have to search the whole list.
- Date Entry name (abbrev.) type of change
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Nov 04 1995 Linux 68k for MVME166 added
- Nov 18 1995 TFS Tape-Filesystem new
- ATAPI cdrom changer support new
- DCE Secure Core for Linux new
- Nov 22 1995 Viper 1.0 deleted (stopped)
- Nov 27 1995 5LiS - "Linux STREAMS" project stopped
- ------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
- Title: 5LiS - "Linux STREAMS"
- Desc1: LiS is a STREAMS framework which will be like
- Desc2: SVR4 STREAMS. You'll be able to use multiplexing a will have
- Desc3: a development aid: a Linux STREAMS modules testbeds.
- Desc4: Good to do networking and other things.
- Desc5:
- Author: Francisco J. Ballesteros, Graham Wheeler, Lars Dahl-Hansen, Rodney Thayer, Dennis Henriksen, Tim Grube, ...
- AuthorEmail: linux-streams@ordago.uc3m.es
- InfoSources1: email LiS@ordago.uc3m.es to get in touch w/ authors
- InfoSources2: finger LiS@ordago.uc3m.es to get LiS state-of-the-art
- InfoSources3: linux-streams@ordago.uc3m.es majordomo mailing list
- Assistance: assistance appreciated
- CurrentStat: (projects stopped as of Nov 22, 1995. See WWW page)
- ETA:
- Remarks1: Would enjoy to hear comments from the kernel guys.
- Remarks2: We are beginning w/ an implementation. Will set up an
- Remarks3: ftp site when the code is complete.
- Remarks4:
- Remarks5: Will need help specially to port drivers to STREAMS.
- Entered: 27 Nov 1995
- ------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
- Title: ATAPI cdrom changer support
- Desc1: Add kernel support for ATAPI (EIDE) based cdrom changer to
- Desc2: switch between cds. -- PLEASE NOTE: Users with CD-ROM
- Desc3: changers that support the ATAPI standard should already be
- Desc4: able to mount the cd in the first slot. If you can't
- Desc5: then it is not an ATAPI compliant CD-ROM drive.
- Author: B. Galliart
- AuthorEmail: bgallia@luc.edu
- InfoSources1: ftp://fission.dt.wdc.com/pub/standards/atapi/8020_25.ps
- InfoSources2:
- InfoSources3:
- Assistance: required
- CurrentStat: design phase
- ETA: unknown
- Remarks1: Need help from people with an understanding of C
- Remarks2: also, any knowledge of Unix ioctl calls is helpful.
- Remarks3: This project is only ment to add support to cdrom changers
- Remarks4: which support the ATAPI standard. People with proprietary
- Remarks5: cdrom changers will not benfit from the patch.
- Entered: 18 Nov 1995
- ------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
- Title: ATM on Linux
- Desc1: State of the art (UNI 3.1) ATM support for Linux, including
- Desc2: ATM device drivers (ENI155p and ZN1221), native ATM API,
- Desc3: UNI 3.1 signaling, and IP over ATM
- Desc4:
- Desc5:
- Author: Werner Almesberger
- AuthorEmail: werner.almesberger@lrc.di.epfl.ch
- InfoSources1: http://lrcwww.epfl.ch/linux-atm/
- InfoSources2: Progress is reported to the linux-atm mailing list
- InfoSources3: (subscriptions to majordomo@vger.rutgers.edu)
- Assistance: please contact the author
- CurrentStat: stable for PVCs, SVCs and driver support are progressing
- ETA: 11/95
- Remarks1:
- Remarks2:
- Remarks3:
- Remarks4:
- Remarks5:
- Entered: 23 Oct 1995
- ------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
- Title: BACKNET (BACKpropagation neural NETwork)
- Desc1: A C++ - class library for simulating a neural network,
- Desc2: using the backpropagation paradigm, but open for other
- Desc3: paradigms, too.
- Desc4:
- Desc5:
- Author: Marko Meyer
- AuthorEmail: mme@pub.th-zwickau.de
- InfoSources1: http://www.th-zwickau.de/~mme/back.html
- InfoSources2: Email me for more informations or discussion ...
- InfoSources3:
- Assistance: assistance not required
- CurrentStat: ready for BETA-testing
- ETA: Mid/End-November for release 0.2
- Remarks1: Archive site:
- Remarks2: ftp://linux2.hrz.th-zwickau.de/informatik/neuro
- Remarks3: Further plans: bug fixing and extensions: support for
- Remarks4: parallel architectures, some new Neural-Network-Paradigms,
- Remarks5: use as distributed system, performance checks.
- Entered: 23 Oct 1995
- ------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
- Title: Caching file system, benfs
- Desc1: This will be a file system that will cache files from
- Desc2: another directory structure (that is currently mounted)
- Desc3: onto the local hard disk. Thus if you have a slow CD-ROM
- Desc4: drive you would mount it normaly, then mount its directory
- Desc5: structure using benfs and access the files via the cache.
- Author: Ben Frank
- AuthorEmail: ben@sys.uea.ac.uk
- InfoSources1: Mail me if your interested :)
- InfoSources2: or if you want me to include something
- InfoSources3:
- Assistance: not required
- CurrentStat: Still coding
- ETA: End of July 96
- Remarks1: The file system will prob only be able to mount read only
- Remarks2: directories, but this may change depending on how things
- Remarks3: go ;) I'm calling it BCFS "Bens Caching File System"
- Remarks4: Check out my web pages for more info,
- Remarks5: http://www.sys.uea.ac.uk/~ben/
- Entered: 24 Oct 1995
- ------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
- Title: Civilization for Linux
- Desc1: A strategy game for Linux, running under X
- Desc2: inspired by Galactic Civilisations for OS/2
- Desc3:
- Desc4:
- Desc5:
- Author: Ingo Luetkebohle, Oliver Jowett
- AuthorEmail: dodger@post.uni-bielefeld.de, oliver@jowett.manawatu.planet.co.nz
- InfoSources1: email us
- InfoSources2: http://www.hrz.uni-bielefeld.de/~dodger/linciv/
- InfoSources3:
- Assistance: assistance appreciated (see remarks)
- CurrentStat: in early design phase
- ETA: end of next year, basic versions earlier
- Remarks1: we are using C++ and intend do develop with
- Remarks2: OOP principles in mind;
- Remarks3: we are looking for people with expertise on AI
- Remarks4: and X programming
- Remarks5:
- Entered: 28 Oct 1995
- ------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
- Title: DCE Secure Core for Linux
- Desc1: The DCE secure core will implement various DCE interfaces from
- Desc2: the OSF AES rather than their source code. We intend to
- Desc3: implement the security services, parts of CDS and DFS etc. The
- Desc4: project depends on the availability of DCE-RPC for Linux
- Desc5: (which is based on freely available OSF source).
- Author: Luke Howard, Michael Peterson, others soon :)
- AuthorEmail: dce-linux@auswired.net
- InfoSources1: http://www.auswired.net/dce
- InfoSources2:
- InfoSources3:
- Assistance: Would be appreciated
- CurrentStat: DCE-RPC (not direct part of project) almost ready, core is still being planned.
- ETA: some time in 96
- Remarks1:
- Remarks2:
- Remarks3:
- Remarks4:
- Remarks5:
- Entered: 18 Nov 1995
- ------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
- Title: DeafGuide (Working title, better name suggestions, please email)
- Desc1: Rapid Prototyper a la Sun's devguide for XVIEW 3.2
- Desc2: Consists of a User Interface Editor to assist in defining the (open)
- Desc3: look and feel of the UI. A separate compiler will transform the gen-
- Desc4: erated interim-code into C(++) code.
- Desc5: Trying to be as much DevGuide compatible as is (legally) possible.
- Author: Pascal van Dam & Jasper v.d. Horst
- AuthorEmail: v922539@si.hhs.nl
- InfoSources1: a WWW page will be setup in early November
- InfoSources2: also newsgroup alt.toolkit.xview is a good place to try
- InfoSources3:
- Assistance: school-project 'till late February, so we'll have to do it alone
- CurrentStat: Trying to put some GIL-3 alike language into a neat grammar
- ETA: First subset of xview late February, Full beta probably end of june '96
- Remarks1: GNU Copyleft distribution policy
- Remarks2: Initial version will generate C++ code for use with the UIT libs
- Remarks3: Editor and codegenerator will have support for the slingshot
- Remarks4: extensions. Later versions are planned to also generate plain XVIEW
- Remarks5:
- Entered: 07 Oct 1995
- ------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
- Title: Device driver for CED 1401 laboratory interface
- Desc1: The CED 1401 is a laboratory interface providing 16 to
- Desc2: 32 ADC-Chans, 4 DACs, 24 digital I/O-lines and several
- Desc3: event timers and clocks. It has its own processor and
- Desc4: memory and is supported by several Mac and DOS programs.
- Desc5: We develop a driver to support it using Linux 1.2 / 1.3
- Author: Georg v. Zezschwitz, Alessandro Rubini
- AuthorEmail: zezschwi@kogs7.informatik.uni-hamburg.de, rubini@ipvvis.unipv.it
- InfoSources1: Current version on
- InfoSources2: ftp://iride.unipv.it/pub/linux/ceddrv-xxx.tar.gz and
- InfoSources3: ftp://tsx-11.mit.edu/pub/linux/packages/lab/ceddrv-xxx.tar.gz
- Assistance: appreciated
- CurrentStat: first code runs
- ETA: Code runs, but we plan to enhance app-level support.
- Remarks1: The CED 1401 is a device developed and sold by Cambridge
- Remarks2: Electronic Design. Though hardware is not GPL, our driver
- Remarks3: will be. As the 1401 is rather a "co-system" than a
- Remarks4: simple dma-cards with some ADC and DACs, it will (hopefully)
- Remarks5: better fit the needs for signal-processing under Linux.
- Entered: 24 Oct 1995
- ------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
- Title: Didot - a DTP program for unix/X11 and perhaps other systems
- Desc1: Didot is a frame orientated desktop publishing program/word
- Desc2: processor. Features: loadable moduls, an integrated
- Desc3: interpreter, runs under different GUIs, (real metrics-)
- Desc4: output to many devices, support of several fonttypes.
- Desc5: Didot is a real WYSIWYG programm.
- Author: A few people
- AuthorEmail: didot@physkn00.phys-te.uni-sb.de
- InfoSources1: You can get additional information at the above address.
- InfoSources2: Please contact only if you want to help developing Didot!
- InfoSources3: WWW: http://physkn00.phys-te.uni-sb.de/~didot/
- Assistance: appreciated
- CurrentStat: still in the design phase (first code runs)
- ETA: no comment :-)
- Remarks1: Didot uses VGUI - a virtual graphical user interface
- Remarks2: which will support diffrent GUIs. At the moment Motif
- Remarks3: and Tk. See entry for VGUI..
- Remarks4: The programming language for Didot is C++.
- Remarks5:
- Entered: 31 May 1995
- ------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
- Title: ELKS (Embeddable Linux Kernel Subset) - Linux 8086
- Desc1: Linux core running on [initially] 8086 hardware with
- Desc2: 64K split I/D binaries
- Desc3:
- Desc4:
- Desc5:
- Author: Alan Cox and others
- AuthorEmail: elks@www.linux.org.uk
- InfoSources1: Usual DOS documentation 8)
- InfoSources2: Web page http://www.linux.org.uk/Linux8086.html
- InfoSources3:
- Assistance: see Remarks3-5
- CurrentStat: Working on C compiler and libs; building a Linux8086 binary emulator
- ETA: Depends on compiler availability and number of hackers involved.
- Remarks1: Longer term target embeddable Z80 and 6809 kernels
- Remarks2: [See Dave Braun's UZI before dismissing as impossible..]
- Remarks3: People willing to donate a working _free_ 8086 C compiler
- Remarks4: with source. Or to help with porting an existing 68000
- Remarks5: compiler. General kernel hackers, 8086 assembler hackers.
- Entered: 09 Jun 1995
- ------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
- Title: ENI155 (SONET) PCI ATM device driver
- Desc1: Device driver for the Efficient Networks ENI155 155 Mbps
- Desc2: SONET PCI ATM adapter.
- Desc3:
- Desc4:
- Desc5:
- Author: Werner Almesberger
- AuthorEmail: werner.almesberger@lrc.di.epfl.ch
- InfoSources1: http://lrcwww.epfl.ch/linux-atm/
- InfoSources2: Progress is reported to the linux-atm mailing list
- InfoSources3: (subscriptions to majordomo@vger.rutgers.edu)
- Assistance:
- CurrentStat: first experimental release, more work in progress
- ETA: 6/95
- Remarks1: Some other ATM components (simple API, etc.) will also
- Remarks2: be developed as part of the project.
- Remarks3:
- Remarks4:
- Remarks5:
- Entered: 23 Oct 1995
- ------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
- Title: GNU Paint (very tentative)
- Desc1: X11-based paint program. Will be a big improvement over
- Desc2: XPaint. The object is to implement a lot of features similar
- Desc3: to mid-range graphics editing/creation software. Probably
- Desc4: bitmapped, not vector-based
- Desc5:
- Author: Arun Bhalla and David Johnston (and others, hopefully)
- AuthorEmail: abhalla@imsa.edu, daj@lclark.edu
- InfoSources1: http://www.lclark.edu/~daj/gpaint.html
- InfoSources2:
- InfoSources3:
- Assistance: appreciated
- CurrentStat: still in the early design phase
- ETA:
- Remarks1: One of the most important things in this project is that
- Remarks2: we're going to allow plug-ins and file filters such as Kai's
- Remarks3: Power tools. We're still open to suggestions on what we
- Remarks4: should include, even if you don't want to help out.
- Remarks5:
- Entered: 01 Sep 1995
- ------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
- Title: GNUStep
- Desc1: A free implementation of NeXT's OpenStep standard
- Desc2: for GNU/Linux and a myriad of other UNIX flavors.
- Desc3: Intended to be compatible with the forthcoming
- Desc4: OpenStep implementations by NeXT, DEC, Sun, and
- Desc5: possibly HP.
- Author: Andrew McCallum, Paul F. Kunz, and many others.
- AuthorEmail: mccallum@gnu.ai.mit.edu, Paul_Kunz@SLAC.Stanford.Edu
- InfoSources1: EMail Martin Michlmayr (tbm@myka.com)
- InfoSources2: http://www.gnustep.org/gnustep
- InfoSources3: discussion-request@ihq.com (mailing list request address)
- Assistance: actively sought
- CurrentStat: objcX 0.86 and libobjects available
- ETA:
- Remarks1: Volunteers should please contact Martin Michlmayr
- Remarks2: (tbm@myka.com). If you have any questions, please don`t
- Remarks3: hesitate to ask Martin Michlmayr.
- Remarks4: Web-mirrors: http://fvkma.tu-graz.ac.at/gnustep/gnustep.html
- Remarks5: http://www.nmr.embl-heidelberg.de/eduStep/gnustep/gnustep.html
- Entered: 25 Sep 1995
- ------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
- Title: Image Workbench
- Desc1: Full set of image manipulation algorithms, conversion of as
- Desc2: many graphic file formats as possible, construction of
- Desc3: algorithms in an environment like khoros2, easy interface for
- Desc4: plug-ins and everything which is needed for a full flavoured
- Desc5: image workbench.
- Author: Andreas Heilwagen, Germany
- AuthorEmail: crashcar@informatik.uni-koblenz.de
- InfoSources1: There will be some snapshots and hopefully an alpha version
- InfoSources2: in 1996.
- InfoSources3:
- Assistance: appreciated
- CurrentStat: first code runs
- ETA: a long series of alpha versions until v1.0, starting in Jan 1996
- Remarks1: implementation language C++, portability to any other 32 bit
- Remarks2: platform with a gui, implementation of as many interesting
- Remarks3: graphic algorithms as possible. If you have interesting
- Remarks4: graphic algorithms (description, pseudo code, documented
- Remarks5: implementation), feel free to contribute.
- Entered: 21 Oct 1995
- ------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
- Title: LUMP (Linux Using Multiple Processors)
- Desc1: Linux running SMP over Intel MP compliant
- Desc2: i486/i586 motherboards
- Desc3:
- Desc4:
- Desc5:
- Author: Alan Cox and others
- AuthorEmail: Alan.Cox@linux.org
- InfoSources1: http://www.intel.com for the MP spec in postscript
- InfoSources2: Support chip documentation only in paper form
- InfoSources3: Mailing list linux-smp@www.linux.org.uk
- Assistance: The more the merrier
- CurrentStat: Design, waiting delivery of board for initial test programs
- ETA: 1st quarter 96
- Remarks1: sponsored by Caldera, http://www.caldera.com
- Remarks2:
- Remarks3:
- Remarks4:
- Remarks5:
- Entered: 22 Jun 1995
- ------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
- Title: LessTif
- Desc1: LessTif is a free clone of the Motif 1.2 widget set.
- Desc2: When completed, any source written for Motif 1.2,
- Desc3: no matter how in depth the sourc's dependency on
- Desc4: internal Motif functions, constants, or structures
- Desc5: will function the same in LessTif.
- Author: The Hungry Programmers
- AuthorEmail: hungry@uidaho.edu
- InfoSources1: ftp://pain.csrv.uidaho.edu/pub/hungry/lesstif/
- InfoSources2: mailing list: lesstif@pain.csrv.uidaho.edu
- InfoSources3: http://www.hungry.com:8000/ (moved!)
- Assistance: assistance and testing appreciated
- CurrentStat: Some widgets function, many don't. Most functions are stubs.
- ETA: Working base library by end of summer. (f. northern hemisphere)
- Remarks1: LessTif is to be GPL'ed.
- Remarks2: Send a message with a line in its body (not its subject) which
- Remarks3: says "subscribe lesstif" or "subscribe lesstif-digest" to join
- Remarks4: the mailing list.
- Remarks5:
- Entered: 21 Oct 1995
- ------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
- Title: Linux-Word (name subject to change)
- Desc1: This is a project to create a word processor for the
- Desc2: Linux community. It will be X-based (at least initially)
- Desc3: and support the usual word processing features along with
- Desc4: some extensions, as yet to be determined.
- Desc5: Name is tentatively "*word"
- Author: The linux-word programming group
- AuthorEmail: btv@ldl.healthpartners.com (Coordinator)
- InfoSources1: Mailing list: linux-word@kuai.se (after Sept 1, 1995)
- InfoSources2: FTP Site: Europe, ftp://hell.cg.tuwien.ac.at/pub/linux-word
- InfoSources3: WWW Page: Europe, http://www.hio.hen.nl/~alberink/word.html
- Assistance: appreciated
- CurrentStat: Starting to discuss API design, starting to code.
- ETA: When we are satisfied it is worthy to be released.
- Remarks1: Software will be GPL'ed. C++ will be the language used.
- Remarks2: We are planning on many front ends (GUI, CHUI, TUI).
- Remarks3: First working version will probably be text-only.
- Remarks4: Old mailing-list is linux-word@vger.rutgers.edu.
- Remarks5: Mailing-list archived at ftp://hell.cg.tuwien.ac.at/pub/linux-word
- Entered: 29 Aug 1995
- ------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
- Title: Linux/68k for MVME166
- Desc1: This is a port of Linux/68k-1.2.13 to run on Motorola MVME166
- Desc2: boards (MVME167 also?). The MVME166 is 68040 based with on-
- Desc3: board SCSI, Ethernet, serial ports (4), RTC, timers, parallel
- Desc4: port.
- Desc5:
- Author: Richard Hirst
- AuthorEmail: srh@gpt.co.uk
- InfoSources1: e-mail me
- InfoSources2:
- InfoSources3:
- Assistance: not required
- CurrentStat: System runs, can compile its own kernel, no ethernet yet
- ETA:
- Remarks1: Not 100% stable, but will run for hours before 68040 access
- Remarks2: fault reported. Runs cslip at 115200 baud to 486 PC.
- Remarks3: Current plan is to speed up SCSI driver (currently slow
- Remarks4: and polled), then move on to ethernet.
- Remarks5:
- Entered: 04 Nov 1995
- ------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
- Title: Linux AX.25 stack
- Desc1: AX.25 protocol stack for the Linux OS
- Desc2: including IP over AX.25 UI frames
- Desc3: No NetROM, DAMA or IP over VC yet
- Desc4:
- Desc5:
- Author: Alan Cox, Jonathan Naylor
- AuthorEmail: Alan.Cox@linux.org, jsn@cs.nott.ac.uk
- InfoSources1: AX.25 protocol specification, SDL diagrams from the 7th ARRL#
- InfoSources2: computer networking conference
- InfoSources3:
- Assistance: For NetROM, and especially european users on DAMA networks to
- CurrentStat: Stable, solid, but not full featured.
- ETA: Full system fall 1995
- Remarks1: Now in the 1.3.0 kernel, BSD code removed.
- Remarks2:
- Remarks3:
- Remarks4: Application layer programs starting to appear
- Remarks5: Drivers for PI/2 card and dumb SCC cards exist.
- Entered: 09 Jun 1995
- ------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
- Title: Linux Mobile-IP
- Desc1: Support for mobile hosts under Linux. This would allow a
- Desc2: mobile host to maintain its network connection transparently
- Desc3: even as the host moves across different networks. The
- Desc4: IETF Draft "IP Mobility Support" will form
- Desc5: the basis of this mobile-IP implementation.
- Author: Vipul Gupta, Ben Lancki
- AuthorEmail: vgupta@cs.binghamton.edu, ben@anchor.cs.binghamton.edu
- InfoSources1: IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) mobile-IP drafts
- InfoSources2: are in directory ftp://software.watson.ibm.com/pub/mobile-ip
- InfoSources3:
- Assistance:
- CurrentStat: An alpha version was released on Aug 31, 1995
- ETA:
- Remarks1: The alpha version (along with supporting documentation)
- Remarks2: can be retreived from anchor.cs.binghamton.edu (,
- Remarks3: ftp://anchor.cs.binghamton.edu/pub/Linux-MobileIP/).
- Remarks4: Ongoing work is directed towards making the software more
- Remarks5: compliant with the IETF draft.
- Entered: 02 Sep 1995
- ------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
- Title: Linux NTFS driver
- Desc1: File system driver for the Windows NT (tm) file system +
- Desc2: user level tools a la mtools to access an NTFS volume.
- Desc3:
- Desc4:
- Desc5:
- Author: Martin von Loewis
- AuthorEmail: loewis@informatik.hu-berlin.de
- InfoSources1: http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/~loewis/ntfs/
- InfoSources2: Helen Custer, 'Inside the Windows NT File System',
- InfoSources3: ISBN 1-55615-660-X
- Assistance: appreciated
- CurrentStat: Read-only access is implemented
- ETA:
- Remarks1:
- Remarks2:
- Remarks3:
- Remarks4:
- Remarks5:
- Entered: 16 May 1995
- ------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
- Title: Linux/VME
- Desc1: Linux/VME is a port of Linux/68k to Motorola MVME147 based
- Desc2: systems, e.g. machines from the Motorola Delta series.
- Desc3: The MVME147 is a 68030-based VME board with WD33C93 SCSI and
- Desc4: LANCE7990 Ethernet controllers as well as Z8530 SCC's.
- Desc5:
- Author: Michael Engel, Nils Faerber
- AuthorEmail: engel@numerik.fb6.uni-siegen.de,nils@vespa.unix-ag.uni-siegen.de
- InfoSources1: Our ftp server is vespa.unix-ag.uni-siegen.de. As soon as
- InfoSources2: we have anything to offer, you'll find it in /pub/vmelinux.
- InfoSources3:
- Assistance: MVME hardware experts are always welcome...
- CurrentStat: Just started off. Experimental C code runs on the machine.
- ETA: Don't ask ...
- Remarks1: With the help of Linux/68k cross-development tools, we are
- Remarks2: able to develop C code on Linux/intel and download it in S-Rec
- Remarks3: format. We hope to get some low-level stuff running rsn.
- Remarks4: Donations of VME bus hardware are always welcome.
- Remarks5:
- Entered: 03 Aug 1995
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- Title: Linux device driver for AM53/79C974 PCI SCSI controller
- Desc1: Features: queueing, DMA, sync. negotiation
- Desc2: The AM79C974 is used in the Compaq XL, some ZEOS
- Desc3: machines and the HP Vectra
- Desc4: Driver software is sucessfully tested with HP C2244 (disk),
- Desc5: Wangtek streamer, Toshiba 3301 CD and some Micropolis disk
- Author: D. Frieauff
- AuthorEmail: fri@eds.dofn.de
- InfoSources1:
- InfoSources2:
- InfoSources3:
- Assistance: not required; test reports appreciated
- CurrentStat: ALPHA status
- ETA: current release is 0.3
- Remarks1: Driver gives reliable operation for at least some Compaq,
- Remarks2: ZEOS, and HP Pentium machines that use this SCSI chip.
- Remarks3: Other people have had problems, at least some of those
- Remarks4: have been fixed by getting a bug-fixed BIOS.
- Remarks5:
- Entered: 19 Jul 1995
- ------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
- Title: SCEND - Simple Configuration EditiNg moDule
- Desc1: Full-screen configuration editor. Uses a generic format for
- Desc2: its data files and shell scripts to convert them. Primarily
- Desc3: intended to replace the current sequential kernel
- Desc4: configuration script.
- Desc5:
- Author: Werner Almesberger
- AuthorEmail: werner.almesberger@lrc.di.epfl.ch
- InfoSources1: Test/demo versions can be FTPed from
- InfoSources2: ftp://lrcftp.epfl.ch/pub/linux/local/scend
- InfoSources3: KERNEL channel or comp.os.linux.development
- Assistance: feedback on user interface and concept appreciated
- CurrentStat: development suspended (make xconfig is a reasonable compromise)
- ETA: N/A (entry will be deleted if project isn't revived. hm)
- Remarks1:
- Remarks2:
- Remarks3:
- Remarks4:
- Remarks5:
- Entered: 23 Oct 1995
- ------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
- Title: SDBMS (Simple Database Management System) V1.0
- Desc1: A relational-like database system. The system is described as
- Desc2: relational-like because it provides storage and retrieval
- Desc3: functionality to data stored in discrete tables, and data in
- Desc4: one table can be related to data in another table via a join
- Desc5: operation.
- Author: Bob Dilworth, Toledo, Ohio.
- AuthorEmail: rwd@toledolink.com
- InfoSources1: I'll e-mail a detailed description of the system to
- InfoSources2: individuals seriously interested in participating on
- InfoSources3: the project
- Assistance: Appreciated!!
- CurrentStat: Still in the design phase
- ETA: Depends on amount of assistance, etc., etc.
- Remarks1: Features a background data manager that controls user access
- Remarks2: to the data and a variety of stand-alone data base admin
- Remarks3: commands to manage the data and the size of the data storage
- Remarks4: files. Data can be accessed and manipulated interactively via
- Remarks5: user terminal as well as programmatically via C function calls.
- Entered: 08 Sep 1995
- ------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
- Title: TFS (Tape-Filesystem)
- Desc1: A driver and a enhanced Minix-Filesystem for
- Desc2: changing your SCSI-streamer into a blockdevice
- Desc3:
- Desc4:
- Desc5:
- Author: Stefan Opperskalski
- AuthorEmail: oppersk@Worms.Fh-Rpl.de
- InfoSources1: http://www.worms.fh-rpl.de/~oppersk/
- InfoSources2: Email me for more informations or discussion ...
- InfoSources3:
- Assistance: not required
- CurrentStat: ready for ALPHA-testing
- ETA: Spring 1996 (reliable version)
- Remarks1: Archive site:
- Remarks2: See down in my www-site (download the driver)
- Remarks3: Further plans: bug fixing and optimizations
- Remarks4: for speed and stability
- Remarks5:
- Entered: 18 Nov 1995
- ------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
- Title: UMAX scanner driver
- Desc1: Driver for at least some UMAX scanners. I have a
- Desc2: Vista-S6, and would like people with all models of
- Desc3: UMAX scanners who would like to beta-test to contact
- Desc4: me. Particularly those with three-pass scanners and
- Desc5: 30-bit color scanners.
- Author: Michael K. Johnson
- AuthorEmail: johnsonm@nigel.vnet.net
- InfoSources1: http://www.ssc.com/ssc/Employees/johnsonm
- InfoSources2: UMAX corp.
- InfoSources3:
- Assistance: appreciated
- CurrentStat: first code runs, but doesn't scan correctly.
- ETA: driver that does basic scans ASAP, lovely Tcl/Tk wrapper someday...
- Remarks1: UMAX was very cooperative in sending developer information
- Remarks2: via email! Also, it seems to follow SCSI-2 quite well.
- Remarks3: Now if I could only get the scanner to do something besides
- Remarks4: identify itself and calibrate, I'd be in good shape.
- Remarks5: I really like this scanner.
- Entered: 16 Oct 1995
- ------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
- Title: VGUI - a Virtual Graphical User Interface
- Desc1: VGUI is a C++ interface for diffrent graphical user
- Desc2: interfaces. At the moment VGUI supports Motif and Tcl/Tk.
- Desc3:
- Desc4:
- Desc5:
- Author: Harald Krummeck (Vgui/Motif), H.Schepers/N.Steiner (Tk)
- AuthorEmail: didot@physkn00.phys-te.uni-sb.de
- InfoSources1: WWW: http://physkn00.phys-te.uni-sb.de/~didot/
- InfoSources2:
- InfoSources3:
- Assistance: appreciated
- CurrentStat: in ALPHA (Motif), first code runs (Tk)
- ETA: xx/xx/1995
- Remarks1: Vgui is specially designed for Didot (see entry Didot)
- Remarks2: but can used as a general interface between C++ programms
- Remarks3: and a GUI.
- Remarks4:
- Remarks5:
- Entered: 31 May 1995
- ------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
- Title: XQWK - QWK mailreader for X11 (requieres MOTIF(R))
- Desc1: QWK Mailreader under X11R6, using Motif 2.0 Widget set.
- Desc2: A statically linked binary version will be available.
- Desc3:
- Desc4:
- Desc5:
- Author: Bernd Stahl
- AuthorEmail: b_stahl@ac-copy.com
- InfoSources1: Send me an email!
- InfoSources2:
- InfoSources3:
- Assistance: not required
- CurrentStat: nearly ready
- ETA: conservative: sept. 95
- Remarks1:
- Remarks2:
- Remarks3:
- Remarks4:
- Remarks5:
- Entered: 11 Aug 1995
- ------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
- Title: XWord
- Desc1: XWord is a free word processor for X. Various fonts
- Desc2: and sizes are available. When completed, XWord will export
- Desc3: to and import from various useful formats. Guile is used
- Desc4: as an extension language.
- Desc5:
- Author: The Hungry Programmers
- AuthorEmail: hungry@uidaho.edu
- InfoSources1: ftp://pain.csrv.uidaho.edu/pub/hungry/xword/
- InfoSources2: mailing list: xword@pain.csrv.uidaho.edu
- InfoSources3: http://www.cs.uidaho.edu:8000/hungry/microshaft/xword.html
- Assistance: assistance and testing appreciated
- CurrentStat: Working -- still buggy and changing rapidly.
- ETA: 2001
- Remarks1: XWord will be GPLed.
- Remarks2: Send a message with a line in its body (not its subject) which
- Remarks3: says "subscribe xword" or "subscribe xword-digest" to join
- Remarks4: the mailing list.
- Remarks5:
- Entered: 16 May 1995
- ------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
- Title: cxdrv
- Desc1: A device driver for the cx100 frame grabber, by
- Desc2: Image-Nation, Oregon. The driver is designes as a module,
- Desc3: and can run with Linux-1.2 and 1.3.
- Desc4:
- Desc5:
- Author: Alessandro Rubini
- AuthorEmail: rubini@ipvvis.unipv.it
- InfoSources1: Source available from ftp://iride.unipv.it/pub/linux and
- InfoSources2: ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/apps/video
- InfoSources3:
- Assistance: Appreciated, to test hardware (ups's and os's)
- CurrentStat: code runs
- ETA: (code available on sunsite. entry will disappear soon. hm)
- Remarks1:
- Remarks2:
- Remarks3:
- Remarks4:
- Remarks5:
- Entered: 23 Oct 1995
- ------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
- Title: dialog
- Desc1: A new version of dialog-0.[456], compatible with the
- Desc2: old executable. This one would be a complete rewrite
- Desc3: in order to ease extension and maintenance.
- Desc4:
- Desc5:
- Author: Alessandro Rubini, Florian La Roche
- AuthorEmail: florian@jurix.jura.uni-sb.de, rubini@ipvvis.unipv.it
- InfoSources1: Mailing list dialog-list@redhat.com
- InfoSources2: ftp://susix.jura.uni-sb.de/pub/linux/source/libc/ncurses/dialog
- InfoSources3: ftp://iride.unipv.it/pub/linux/dialog
- Assistance: Not needed, but ideas and patches are welcome
- CurrentStat: dialog-0.6 runs, and is being slowly replaced
- ETA: Something great by the first quater of 1996
- Remarks1: The final product (dialog-1.0) will spur out in
- Remarks2: graphics if invoked under xterm and will be quite
- Remarks3: portable across architectures. A small "boot-disk"
- Remarks4: version will be available.
- Remarks5:
- Entered: 21 Oct 1995
- ------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
- Title: shadow-3.3.2-patched (unofficial)
- Desc1: A multiple upgrade to the shadow-3.3.2 package including
- Desc2: better documentation, implementing people wish-lists as
- Desc3: we see fit, etc. Some of the kludged bits of the shaodw
- Desc4: library is being re-implemented. Bugs and memory leaks
- Desc5: willl be fixed, etc.
- Author: D.P.Simpson
- AuthorEmail: dunsim@dcs.warwick.ac.uk
- InfoSources1: Send email to dunsim@dcs.warwick.ac.uk
- InfoSources2:
- InfoSources3:
- Assistance: actively sought
- CurrentStat: First module test works. Some progress on implementation
- ETA: Unknown as work procceeds in fits and starts
- Remarks1: Nasty things like work tend to mean the time I have to
- Remarks2: continue this hacking is very limited. Further labour
- Remarks3: and (eventually) ALPHA testers would be very useful.
- Remarks4: My email address will last until July some time. After
- Remarks5: that it may work but then again it might not.
- Entered: 31 May 1995
- ------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
- Title: x2600
- Desc1: An Atari 2600 emulator for X windows on Linux and Sun. I am
- Desc2: writing it as my third year project at university, so there
- Desc3: is a definate dead-line!
- Desc4:
- Desc5:
- Author: Alex Hornby
- AuthorEmail: w.a.hornby@warwick.ac.uk
- InfoSources1: http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/~wilhor/
- InfoSources2:
- InfoSources3:
- Assistance: appreciated, particularly hardware info and cart images
- CurrentStat: still in the design phase
- ETA: August 1996
- Remarks1: I don't currently plan on emulating the sound hardware, but
- Remarks2: would be interested in what options are available to play
- Remarks3: 2 channel sound over a /dev/audio style interface, that would
- Remarks4: work on both SunOS and Linux. ( I have the soundIt library for
- Remarks5: linux but no SunOS equivalent.
- Entered: 18 Aug 1995
- ------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
- ------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
- There are several projects I've heard of but for which I haven't received
- an entry yet. Here they are:
- Linus Torvalds (torvalds@cc.Helsinki.FI)
- Alpha AXP port for Linux (-> 64 bit version)
- (is in the mainstream kernel since the 1.1.70's)
- Louis-D. Dubeau (hallu@info.polymtl.ca)
- Linux Mach Single Server (linuxss) project
- Pete Kruckenberg (kruckenb@sal.cs.utah.edu) is in contact with SDL to get a
- driver for their V.35 board done.
- Some outdated entries which are frequently being asked for:
- Peter De Schrijver (deschrij@CS.kuleuven.ac.be)
- has uploaded a Linux Token Ring driver for 1.2.0 to
- ftp://ftp.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/pub/unix/linux/TokenRing.patch-1.2.0.gz
- and
- ftp://linux3.cc.kuleuven.ac.be/pub/Linux/TokenRing/TokenRing.patch-1.2.0.gz
- More info on ftp://ftp.ix.de/pub/ix/Linux/docs/Token-Ring
- ------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
- The Linux Projects Map is maintained by Harald Milz
- (hm@ix.de, http://www.ix.de/ix/editors/hm.html).